Читать книгу Книга Знаний. Book of Knowledge. 1. Игра в Иную Реальность. 1. Playing Another Reality (Билингва Rus/Eng) онлайн

Looking at the Man Who Was Not with a different vision, I immediately realized that He was a complex figure too – lightning inside a sphere located inside a cube. I needed him in order to remain on Earth. In the last period, each facet of life, one by one, suddenly collapsed, pinning me in a corner, cutting off oxygen, curling up like a snake loop around my neck. Standing on the edge of the Void, I was looking for a Door to Another, unknown to me Reality, but on the same earthly plane, so as not to disappear into the Other World until the hour of my next incarnation.

I felt lonely and wanted to talk with a person like me, at least similar to me, in our common language, inaccessible to others. I thought about Nonna, a famous clairvoyant, winner of the «Battle of Psychics» on TNT.

I wanted to meet her, but I had no idea where she lived in our huge world. Sighing heavily from an unrealizable dream, I went into a cafe next to my house to enjoy a tête-à-tête with coffee at least, but at the next table by the window I found… Nonna.

«Hello!» I exclaimed in shock. «You are Nonna, I know! I need you.»

«What for? Is there anything I can do to help you?» She was surprised, because she always felt who she could help and who she couldn’t.

«I just want to talk to you.»

«Okay, sit down,» Nonna sighed with relief. «Sorry, I’m exhausted, a vampire has just called me.»

We looked at each other in silence for a while, then Nonna started,

«You’re completely in a web. Torn between mother and son, you cannot combine them in this life. I see blood, a lot of blood, you are dead, just like me. You are one of us, you were There and opened the Door.»

I didn’t tell Nonna what «web» meant. Spiders were the most terrible phenomenon for me in the Earthly Reality. I delved into myself for a long time to find an anchoring point, realizing that the reason belonged to the current incarnation, since in my early childhood I hadn’t been afraid of spiders. Not getting to the bottom of the truth, I turned for help to Gera, one of my Teachers. She asked me leading questions, and I answered without hearing my own answers.

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