Читать книгу Книга Знаний. Book of Knowledge. 1. Игра в Иную Реальность. 1. Playing Another Reality (Билингва Rus/Eng) онлайн

The old woman didn’t know what the «Internet» was, but that word had a magical effect on her, as a result, she dematerialized, immediately leaving her post. I was about to turn around and leave, when a man of about forty-five dressed in white appeared at the end of the corridor. As it turned out later, he was the head of the department. He came up to me and broke into a smile,

«Oh, one more Leila arrived! Why did you come, eh, Leila?»

«I’ve read that it’s a center where you practically work miracles…»

«Leila, how old are you? And you still believe in miracles!» the Doctor said with a grin in a flirting tone, but I didn’t know what to answer, so he continued, «Leila, what hurts you?»


«If nothing hurts, why did you come?»

«To ask. You specialize in Woozles and Wizzles, providing consultations for payment, right? So I came to ask. Where do they come from? What to do with them? Maybe some pills should be taken or, conversely, not. In general, what’s allowed, what’s not?»

«Oh, Leila, God knows why one has some Woozles or Wizzles, what’s allowed and what’s not! Live as you lived. Nothing hurts you. What for?»

«But then it will be too late!»

«Then you will be welcomed here!»

«Don’t you cure everyone here?»

«We?» the Doctor asked in surprise. «Do we cure? You know, Leila, I’ll tell you so, as soon as you get rid of some Woozle, some Wizzle will immediately appear! Exactly! Nothing hurts you! Tell me, why did you come, huh?»

«But it’s written…»

«Leila, are you married?» the Doctor didn’t let up.

«Yes,» I answered categorically.

«Maybe, think once more? Just kidding… almost. We have friends, they come to our department and sell magic water, supposedly it lets people get rid of all sorts of Wozzles and Wizzles. So people buy it, drink it, and… half of them recover. Do you think the water is magical? The most common, drinking one, just in bottles with a magical inscription. Do you want me to sell it to you too?»

«No, thanks,» I said, nodding sadly.

«Leila,» the Doctor smiled, «relax and live your life as long as nothing hurts! Believe me, no one knows anything about Wozzles and Wizzles. It’s just a game, you see.»

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