Читать книгу Книга Знаний. Book of Knowledge. 1. Игра в Иную Реальность. 1. Playing Another Reality (Билингва Rus/Eng) онлайн

Almost since childhood, I was advised to remove a small mole on my small back, but somehow I had no time for that. And then, as luck would have it, free time suddenly appeared, in an unmeasured amount, and someone told me about a wonderful commercial clinic where supposedly no one had any problems.

I arrived, obediently paid for everything that could be pulled by the ears for the upcoming procedure, and entered the Surgeon’s office. He turned out to be a strong old man of the old school. I was asked to undress, go into the operating room and lie on my stomach. The nurse rattled their instruments. At that fateful moment, I uttered one of my signature phrases,

«Not Novocain.»

The nurse smiled enigmatically and called out to the Surgeon, who was still in the office, and not in the operating room,

«Have you heard it, Ivan Ivanovich? The girl is intolerant to Novocain!»

«Yes, I have!» the Surgeon said joyfully.

They silently bent over my back, rubbed it with something, and… I screamed in terrible pain, feeling them cutting me alive with a scalpel. The scalpel froze.

«Without anesthesia?» I was in shock.

«Well, you can’t stand Novocain, and we don’t have anything else!» the Surgeon commented and made another incision.

I screamed again. The scalpel froze.

«Well, the last time now,» the Surgeon sang as calmly as if nothing had happened.

My third cry made a doctor with very huge eyes materialize in the operating room from the next office.

«What are you doing here? Even my patient has already escaped!»

«We’ve already done it,» the nurse answered, smiling.

Leaving, I silently but meaningfully looked at the Surgeon, and he replied me just as meaningfully,

«And during the war?»

I realized him playing war.

However, I was lucky to know other doctors whom I respected. They first listen carefully, then think and tell you what they have come up with, voicing the pros and cons, and if you agree…

That evening I went to visit a very smart and cheerful woman, a guru in her field, who, having read my spells six months before, said that I was practicing real Word Magic, and she was sorry to be too old to experience similar emotions.

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