Читать книгу Книга Знаний. Book of Knowledge. 1. Игра в Иную Реальность. 1. Playing Another Reality (Билингва Rus/Eng) онлайн

Я прошла в дальний угол зала, пододвинула стремянку и добралась до верхней полки. Моя рука потянулась к старенькой книге тёмно-зелёного цвета, на корешке которой надпись отсутствовала. Я вытащила её и прочитала единственное слово, выгравированное на обложке золотыми буквами: «СЛОВО».

«У вас осталось три минуты…» – раздался голос РАМ.

Я поставила книжку обратно. Спустившись, столкнулась с известным священником. Он улыбнулся мне. «Наверное, тоже ищет здесь какую-то информацию, – подумала я. – Интересно, а он жив?»

«Прощайтесь, ступайте к Двери, через которую вы вошли в Храм».

Я стояла у входной двери. Глаза Патриарха, как и много лет назад, излучали Добро и Любовь. Я поблагодарила его. «Мои» смотрели на меня со второго этажа и махали призрачными очертаниями рук.

«Откройте Дверь, выходите».

Я открыла дверь. Патриарх перекрестил меня на прощание.

«Закрывайте за собой Дверь, повернитесь к ней спиной…»

Через пару минут я открыла глаза.

На Земле.

The Temple of the Souls

«Tonight you are going to RAM,» my colleague said in an orderly tone after listening to my retelling of the dream.

«No,» I objected, «I’m invited to the Beau Monde to cast spells tonight.»

«You won’t be casting any spells tonight. You need to get to know RAM. She comes twice a year for a week seminar. I just found out yesterday that she is here now.»

RAM, Raisa Akhmetovna Mansurova, sat in the center of the huge hall, talking about the amazing capabilities of everyone. A dazzling emanation along the contour of her earthly body seemed even to be real fire. We studied for five hours in the evening on weekdays and all day long on Saturday and Sunday. During the week of the seminar, I had the opportunity to talk privately with the Teacher several times. She read my manuscripts, looked in my future and saw the Light there. RAM taught us a lot, but I liked most meditating to music combined with mantras recorded during her expedition to Tibet.

…I closed my eyes. Having ceased to feel my physical body, I found myself in a picturesque place in the mountains, in a meadow with a babbling brook. On the right, there were ordinary mountains that I had seen in Tibet several years before in reality. To the left, there was an abyss, with other mountains behind, of Another Tibet, unknown to me. Somewhere in the distance, a small monastery rose on the top of a mountain to the right. The air took on blurry contours. Suddenly I felt that I was about to see my mother. Mom had long been very, very far away, and it was difficult for her to gather herself into the earthly image that would forever remain in my memory, but I would still recognize her from a thousand foggy outlines. Being as transparent as she was, I realized that we could neither hug in an earthly way nor speak in words. My physical body was in the hall at RAM seminar, I could look at «Me in the Hall» from There and move Consciousness into it, observing «Me in the Mountains» from the side. It was a game of instant movement, and I liked it. I was incredibly happy to see my mother. We were walking There, at the slightly open Door, where ordinary and other mountains coexisted, and communicating in silence, I didn’t even formulate phrases mentally, because only feelings remained, and everything else was unnecessary. Mom led me to the monastery on the mountain, where the fire was burning, although perhaps I mistook for it a huge vat with incense, shrouded in the misty haze from which our bodies, my mother’s and mine, were woven There. It was funny – we were transparent, while the monks were dense, wearing real clothes. It was strange that they didn’t pay much attention to us, just glanced at us briefly and continued their business.

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