Читать книгу Книга Знаний. Book of Knowledge. 1. Игра в Иную Реальность. 1. Playing Another Reality (Билингва Rus/Eng) онлайн

Television arrived. The glass was divided into two piles. The seminarians who had already practiced walking on glass lined up to the place for «the advanced people» and started walking as if on a soft and fluffy carpet. I froze at the carpet for the newcomers. RAM said I would be the first to go. Looking at the fragments sticking out pointing upward, I couldn’t believe that it was possible not to cut myself. RAM took me by the hand and asked to repeat just one phrase after her. I repeated and was sure that the Teacher wouldn’t let go of my hand until I had walked the entire carpet, but RAM, slapping me on the butt, ordered, «Go!» I took the first step. To be honest, I’m hypersensitive and, when going to the sea on vacation, I choose a sandy beach or pebbles, since it’s easier for me to learn to fly than to walk on stones with bare heels. That day I heard the glass crunching beneath me, digging into my heels, but felt no pain at all. I reached to safe land unharmed.

The procedure should be repeated at least seven times. All the newcomers cautiously moved to the carpet for the advanced people.

«I am no longer here. You can do everything yourself,» RAM smiled.

I walked and walked on the glass. When they were taking my photo, a seminarian shouted, «Alice, show the swallow!» I had to jump on one leg on the broken glass to keep the swallow balanced until the next click of the camera because of the pauses between shots. During one walk in a bad mood, having taken the first step, I felt a sharp pain in my left heel. The rug seemed to be about to turn from green to red. I froze like a one-legged heron so that I could re-encode myself before landing my second heel on the glass. Afterwards we took off our clothes to the waist and lay down on the glass with our bare backs (including necks and heads). RAM pressed everyone into the carpet with all her might, turning one’s body on all sides, and did other exercises so that the glass would merge as much as possible with the naked upper body. The lying person rose not alone, but together with the pieces of glass sticking out from his back, like the needles of a hedgehog. RAM took out those needles, that left indentations, as from driven nails, but no blood, no cuttings of the skin on the back. Based on the color of certain areas of the back, RAM immediately told what health problems the person had.

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