Читать книгу Книга Знаний. Book of Knowledge. 1. Игра в Иную Реальность. 1. Playing Another Reality (Билингва Rus/Eng) онлайн

Late in the evening we played a fifteen-minute game called «Tell someone you don’t know about something you don’t know.» RAM asked each of us to come up to three or four seminarians to whom we would be drawn and say the first thing that would come to mind. I came up to strangers and said something I couldn’t know about them, and they wondered how.

On the last day of our seminar, we were awaited by a special meditation «Temple of the Soul» with a short briefing beforehand. RAM asked each of us to clearly formulate a question we needed an answer to.

«When you get There, pay attention to the details. Who will meet you? Perhaps a relative or a friend, an Elder or an Angel, or maybe no one. It’s different for everyone. Take a look around. What does your Temple, or the place you will end up, look like? Someone ends up in a maze. Someone is in a castle. Try to go around it all, entirely. Go through all the doors, since the answer to your question is hiding behind one of them. If a door is closed, find the key and open it. Music without mantras will play during this meditation. I’ll guide you to the front door and leave you alone. I’ll warn you when time is running out so that you can return on time. One more request or advice. There are a little fewer of us now than usual, so it’ll be more difficult, but still, if any of you can, go to the Library of the Universe. Try it, will it work? Ask the Elder or the Guardian to show you a book. Open it and try to read. There will be some advice there. Perhaps the answer to your question. It happens that a book is written in an unknown language. Try to feel what it’s about. Sometimes the Guardian transmits information through you to me. As you leave There, don’t forget to thank everyone you have met.»

The music started playing. We closed our eyes. Unlike previous meditations, we didn’t lie down, we were standing. I had never thought that it was possible to meditate while standing, and, worse, I couldn’t imagine that Temple of my Soul. RAM guided us to Heavens, and I suddenly saw it, a silver-white and pyramid-shaped crystal, dazzling, or rather, almost blinding with its radiance, through the center of which a powerful flow of energy was pouring in a vertical direction. The Temple was located in the blue-black Sky so far that the Earth was invisible at all there. I came up to the front door. RAM asked us to recite prayers we knew, or just pray somehow with the Soul, and she left everyone alone with one’s Temple.

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