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“Indeed, very sad,” Megan replied.

“The castle passed into our possession after the disappearance of Lord Drummond, as he left no heirs and had no relatives. That's Castle Raven, where my grandfather and brother now live. By the way, you remember that we are going there for dinner tomorrow?”

“Yes, I remember. I’m really looking forward to seeing that castle!”

“It's truly extraordinary and looks completely different inside compared to Castle Mal. I think it will make a big impression on you,” said Glenn enthusiastically.

“I have no doubt about that. Tell me, Warren, where did Margaret get such a gift? Maybe she picked a fern flower?”

“According to legend, the founder of the clan was Aidan McKenzie. He married a local witch who bewitched him with some kind of love potion. They married despite her having no family or name. From her, along the maternal line, Margaret and a few other females in our clan inherited the gift. However, unlike others who had the ability of clairvoyance, Margaret could only communicate with animals and heal.”

“I definitely don't have any gift, which I'm quite happy about,” Megan said, laughing.

“Well, that's good. It's probably hard to live with such a thing. To be honest, I don't believe in it. In my opinion, it’s just fiction to give a mystical aura to the clan's history and elevate its importance. Maybe Margaret did brew concoctions that actually helped people, but all that can be explained medically. Back then, there weren't many medicines, and she was known as a good doctor and pharmacist, choosing the right herbs for treatment.”

“And what about her communication with animals?” asked Glenn to her husband.

“Maybe she fed and trained them… set up a zoo next to the castle. And as for reading thoughts, someone probably embellished that part, and thus a legend was born. Most likely, she was just a regular woman with a talent in medicine and a love for animals.”

“And what about the other women in the clan? They had the gift of clairvoyance!” insisted Glenn.

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