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Suddenly, a slight movement at the window caught her attention. Megan froze. Then she turned her head and saw a black raven.

“Oh no! You again! What do you want from me?” she exclaimed with anger and fear. She didn’t like this bird at all. “How much more will you harrass me? Can birds even stalk people?! It’s just surreal!”

She grabbed the folder and dashed into the corridor. Glenn was heading towards her, “Megan, hi. I thought you’d gone somewhere. I knocked on your bedroom door, but there was no answer. I thought maybe you’d gone with Warren to the distillery. Why do you look so scared? What’s happened?”

“Glenn, this might sound silly, but there is a bird that’s driving me crazy – a black raven. I’ve been seeing it every day since I arrived. It’s either by the window where I am, or near me in the field, by the shore…everywhere. It scares me! Aren’t there any legends related to black ravens here?” The girl desperately fought the urge to break into hysteria.

“It’s the first I’ve ever heard of a raven. Take it easy, Megan. I presume, because of the stress you've recently experienced and the legends you've heard, your nerves are on edge. It's just a bird, don't pay any attention to it.”

Seeing as she hadn't convinced Megan, Glenn continued, “Get it out of your head, you're giving too much importance to a trivial matter. You’re seeing things that aren’t really there. Let's focus on something important, which is why I was looking for you. Since all the representatives of the McKenzie clan are gathering in one place today, there’s going to be a kind of celebration. I wanted to suggest you wear a kilt in our colors, if you don’t mind. I can show you how to wear it.”

“But I don’t have a kilt.”

“I’ll lend you one of mine. We're about the same size.”

“I’d be very grateful, and I'd love to wear it – my first time ever,” Megan said, calming down and smiling.

“Wonderful! Let's go. Here is mine and Warren’s bedroom.” Glenn took out everything necessary for Megan’s new look from the wardrobe.

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