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“Wasn't that real love?”

“We had a lot of warmth, respect, and affection for each other. Initially, of course, there was some spark, if you can call it that, but I don’t think it was love. I don't know what real love between a man and a woman is. Probably because I've never experienced it. My relationship with Thomas gradually turned into friendship, and nothing more,” Megan spoke without emotion.

“Everything has its time, and soon you'll find your happiness.”

“I have no doubt about it,” the girl laughed.

“Maybe you'll meet someone at the festival! All the men from this area will be there. Choose anyone you want! Warren and I will introduce you to our friends and acquaintances,” Glenn said enthusiastically, already mentally picking out a groom for her friend.

“Excellent!" said Megan, hoping for a chance to meet the handsome, mysterious stranger.

8. Castle Raven

“Megan, would you prefer to go by foot or by car?” asked Warren.

“I would love to take a walk.”

“Alright, it's not far from here.”

Dressed in traditional attire, Warren, his wife, and Megan left the house. Castle Raven was clearly visible from everywhere. It towered over the entire area, unlike Castle Mal, which was situated in a valley by the river. For about fifteen minutes, the owners of both estates climbed the hill. The evening was warm and pleasant. The sea was calm, and the wind occasionally brushed against their faces. A few minutes later, the group arrived at the entrance of the historical castle.

“It's breathtaking!” Megan exclaimed in admiration, trying to take in all the details of the facade. Her gaze fell upon a majestic three-story stone building made of heavy square blocks. On either side, there were four high rectangular towers adorned with battlements, slightly taller than the main building. Above the massive entrance door was a coat of arms unfamiliar to the girl. And from where the castle stood, there was a magnificent view of a series of cliffs stretching into the sea. The area around this historical structure was empty except for the small chapel containing the Drummond family crypt.

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