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As she moved away from the crowd, the hum of voices grew fainter. She walked down towards the river. Behind her, the folk festivities and the reflections of burning fires remained. She sat on one of the large stones at the water’s edge and thoughtfully looked ahead. There, on the hill, stood Castle Raven, and to the left, in the valley, was Castle Mal. They created such a beautiful and harmonious picture.

Megan turned abruptly when she felt someone sit beside her. And there he was, the one she had been waiting for. Calmly and silently, he gazed at the river.

“Derek!” I’ve been looking for you.” Her heart began pounding with joy.

“Really?” he asked, shifting his gaze from the river to her.

“You were in my room, not only the night I was attacked, but the other night too. You kissed me. I realized it wasn't a dream. Why did you secretly sneak into the castle in the middle of the night? You say you’re protecting me, but you appear in my bedroom and ignore my questions. Who the hell are you? And what do you want from me?” Megan asked assertively, eager for answers.

“So many questions, Miss McKenzie. Where shall I start?” he asked with a slight smile on his face.

"Why did you come to my room?”

“To bring you back after you fainted,” Derek stubbornly pretended as if he hadn’t understood which night she was referring to.

“You know perfectly well I'm talking about your other visit. You were in my bedroom, whispering my name, kissing me!”

“Ah, that night… You enchanted me with your beauty. I couldn't resist; I had a strong desire to kiss you.”

“So, you really believe this barbaric tactic, of sneaking into the castle while I'm asleep, kissing me, and then jumping out of the window from the second floor, is a good approach? Lucky you didn't break your neck,” she smirked for the first time, seeing his broad and genuine smile.

“I thought it was rather romantic, not barbaric,” he teased her.

Megan was astonished by the unfolding of events, while he found it genuinely amusing. On one hand, she was angry that he ignored her questions or made light of them. Yet, at the same time, she felt joy that he was here. He had found her.

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