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She could stay a few more weeks at Castle Mal to see how events would unfold. Extending her stay in her historical homeland would not be too bad. The only thing left was to make arrangements with her cousin. Leaving the office, she went down to the hall.

“Glenn, do you know where Warren is?”

“He left for the distillery this morning.”

“Did he say what time he’d be back?”

“No, he always returns at different times. If I see him before you do, I'll definitely tell him you were looking for him.”

“Thank you.”

“I hope you had a successful introduction yesterday. Warren and I wanted to introduce you to our friends. If you're interested, we can arrange, for example, a friendly lunch or dinner in the coming days.”

“Why not? Meeting new people is always useful. Yesterday's rendezvous was quite ordinary, nothing special,” said Megan, feigning indifference. She didn’t like discussing her personal life, so she decided not to mention anything about Derek just yet. There was still nothing between them, and perhaps there never will be.

“Glenn, if you're not busy right now, shall we go for a walk? I'd like to bring some heather back to my room.”

“I'd love to join you. Just let me grab my wrap. It's always chilly with the sea breeze.”

For the next two hours, Megan and Glenn strolled along the beach and through the heather fields. They got to know each other better, chatting non-stop and discovering their differences. Megan was reserved and usually only talked about what she considered safe. She could carry any conversation, but skillfully changed the subject when necessary, so her interlocutor could hardly notice the shift. She only superficially touched on personal matters. Glenn was much more sociable. Always ready to share her thoughts, experiences, and hopes – she never seemed gossipy or pushy. She had a fine sense of when someone didn't want to talk about something and tactfully changed the subject. She was interested in everything around her and listened to her company with joy and attention. Megan felt easy and calm with Glenn.

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