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When they returned to the castle, Warren was already waiting for them.

"There you are! I was wondering where you had disappeared to.”

“Megan wanted to pick some heather, and I decided to keep her company.”

“Warren, I was looking for you earlier today. I’d like to discuss some important matters,” Megan got straight to the point.

“Sure, whenever it's convenient for you.”

“If you’re free now, then I'm ready.”

“Then let's go to Malcolm's office,” the cousin suggested.

It took them about an hour to discuss all the details. Warren was receptive to the idea of staying in the castle and taking over the management of the distillery. He thought it was the best solution to the problem.

“I think I'll stay here a bit longer. A few weeks of vacation will do me good. I've enjoyed the peaceful, measured life here, unlike London, where every day is just hustle and bustle,” Megan said.

“Excellent news! Glenn and I would be delighted. The more frequent and longer your visits, the better. Glenn is so happy with your friendship. She missed that. She has become very attached to you.”

“Thank you, Warren, I'm also very glad that we became friends. By the way, I think it's time to eat something.”

They went downstairs, where Glenn was eagerly waiting for them.

“It's so good you came, I'm so hungry. I thought if you didn't come in ten minutes, I'd start dinner without you,” she said, neatly folding the wrapper from a candy she just ate.

“What's with you today? Where does this appetite come from?” Warren asked.

“I burned hundreds of calories today! Your cousin and I walked many miles. I probably broke my weekly record in one day,” Glenn laughed.

Dinner was pleasant and cheerful, but Megan couldn't wait to go up to her room and look out the window. She was anxious and thought only, will he come tonight? Every day of her life had become one continuous wait. Every few minutes, she looked at the hill in hopes of seeing him, but in vain – Derek did not appear that evening. Only at dawn did the girl finally fall asleep.

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