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“Tell me, who are you?”

“I’m Derek.”

“You’ve already told me that. Where do you live?”

“Not far from here.”

“No one here knows anyone by the name of Derek.”

He continued to speak with a smile, never taking his eyes off her. “Really? You’ve already inquired? You’ve taken quite an interest in me; I’m flattered.”

“Yes, quite an interest. Because you’re a strange individual.”

“It only seems that way to you. I'm just an ordinary person, absolutely normal.”

“It’s odd, to say the least, that you stand on the hill outside the castle every night.”

“Not every night.”

“Fine, not every night. But you’re watching me!”

“I see nothing strange in this.” Derek kept bouncing the questions back at her, smiling playfully.

After a short pause, he added, “I’m from Thurso, that's why you couldn't find any information about me.”

“I see,” muttered Megan, feeling foolish. Mentally she tried to analyze the situation: perhaps there really was nothing strange. She might have imagined all these absurdities and believed in them. Perhaps Derek just stood near the castle on the first evening, enjoying the scenery, and after seeing that she was in danger, carried her safely to her room. Maybe she appealed to him, and decided to get acquainted with her in this unusual way. Methods of acquaintance do vary. Derek, presumably, preferred this one. After all, they are Highlanders; perhaps this is their custom.

“Are you going after the fern flower?” Derek asked with a grin.

“No, of course not.”

“Why so categorically?”

“Firstly, I don't believe in it. Secondly, I'm afraid of the dark and anything unexplainable.”

“Really?” he asked, smiling enigmatically.

“Yes really. And do you believe in these fairy tales?”

“The fern blooming once a year is an absolute fact. And I am not afraid of the darkness or the inexplicable,” he answered with a serious expression on his face.

“I hope you're not saying that you've once picked the flower and now possess magical powers?” she teased him.

“I have never picked a fern flower, and I do not have any magical powers,” Derek said just as seriously.

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