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“Nice to meet you,” Craig said, looking at her with an admiring smile, extending his strong firm arm for a handshake.

Megan found the highlander quite attractive. It seemed that the feeling was mutual because throughout the evening, almost all his attention was directed at her. Craig clearly wanted to learn as much about the girl as possible, and she happily engaged in conversation, enjoying the company of the young man and her family members.

“Craig, what do you do for a living?” she inquired.

“I work for one of the local shipping companies.”

“Tomorrow we're using one of your ferries to get to the island,” Warren said.

“Really? What are you heading there for?”

“We're going to sacrifice Megan on the altar of the druids,” joked the younger cousin.

“Thanks, Duncan. At least I know the real purpose of our journey now,” Megan laughed.

“If you don't mind, I’d like to come along,” the young man said, looking hopefully at the girl.

“Of course, you’re welcome to join us. Megan, you don't mind, do you?” Duncan asked.

“Of course not.”

“What time will you be at the dock tomorrow morning?” he asked Warren.

“I think we'll arrive by eleven thirty.”

“Well, Megan, prepare yourself! You're in for an unforgettable experience, since it will be conducted by true local highlanders,” Craig said with a proud smile.

“I’m looking forward to it,” she replied cheerfully.

After dinner, everyone said their goodbyes, and went their separate ways. On the drive home, Warren said, “Megan, in just one evening, you've charmed my friend. I've known him for a long time, and he's already smitten with you.”

“Is he always so quick to fall in love?” she laughed.

“No, quite the opposite! I can't remember the last time he was so enchanted by a woman. Since Craig decided to join us tomorrow, it means he wants to get to know you better.”

“Did you like him? He's quite interesting and handsome, isn't he?” Glenn chattered.

“Glenn!” Warren protested.

“What did I say? I just asked if she liked him. I would be really happy if she found her love here and stayed with us.”

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