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“I understand you'd be happy, but it's tactless to ask such questions. They've known each other for a few hours, and you’re probably already imagining a wedding and a bunch of kids in your romantic fantasies. Let people get to know each other better and then we'll see.”

“Don't worry, Warren. We're women and it's normal for us to ask such questions. Craig is certainly a charismatic and handsome young man, in my opinion. But it's too soon to say anything more. We barely know each other to draw any conclusions.”

As they arrived at the castle, Megan checked the time; it was already 11:10. Her heart beat faster. Was he waiting for her tonight? What if he came, saw no light in her window, and left?

She eagerly anticipated their next meeting and feared it might not happen anytime soon.

After wishing Warren and Glenn goodnight, Megan rushed to her room and ran to the window. He was there, on the hill, waiting for her. Her hands trembled, butterflies fluttered in her stomach, and a joyful smile lit up her face. Without a second thought, she quickly left the castle.

Coming close to Derek, she said, “I'm glad you came; I was waiting for you.”

He smiled, brushed a stray lock of hair from her face, and kissed her.

“I'm glad to see you too,” he whispered softly in her ear.

“Derek, I don't understand why all the mystery? These meetings under my window, without any warning… It's as if we're living in the Middle Ages and there's no other way to meet. Can't we do it differently?”

“You don’t like this?” he asked with a barely noticeable smile.

“Well, it's a bit strange.”

“I work late every day.”

“Don't you have any days off?” Megan asked surprised.

“Not at the moment. I'm currently working on a secret project, and I’m only free in the evenings.”

“There are secret projects in city administration? I never thought that was a thing,” she said dubiously.

“I can't explain everything to you yet. It's not just about the city administration. I've signed nondisclosure agreements regarding my current mission. So, please don't ask me about my work for now. I'll definitely tell you everything when the time comes. This… mystery, as you call it, is temporary.”

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