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“I'd be happy if you stayed here for a couple more decades. By the way, how's your interaction with the birds going? Still as successful? Warren mentioned that one of the ravens has become your companion and follows you everywhere.”

“Yes, it's true! At first, I was afraid of it, but then I got used to it. I feed it occasionally, so it looks for me everywhere. If I'm in the study, it sits by the window; if I'm in the bedroom, it's by another window. Well, not always, of course. But it definitely spends a couple of hours a day around me. It's quite funny,” Megan said, surprising herself that she had become friends with a bird.

“It’s her biggest fan,” Warren said, laughing. “Don’t forget, Megan: we’re responsible for those we’ve tamed.”

“Wise words, indeed. I’ll go see if dinner is ready,” she said, getting up from the couch.

“Don’t get up, Megan; I'll go hurry Finella along. I’m already hungry,” Glenn said, quickly standing up and heading to the kitchen.

At that moment, the phone rang. Warren excused himself and walked over to the grand staircase to answer it. Meanwhile, Craig turned to Megan and, seizing the opportunity to be alone with her, asked, “Are you avoiding me?”

“Of course not!”

“I've asked you out twice, and you turned me down.”

“I'm sorry, it was just bad timing,” Megan said, at a loss for how to properly respond to his question without hurting his feelings.

“So, you're saying there's still a chance? I just need to pick the right time?” he asked hopefully.

As they were sitting close, Craig tenderly brushed a strand of hair from her face, much like Derek often did. He leaned in closely, intending to kiss her. Megan quickly leaned her head back to avoid the kiss.

“Craig, I'm sorry, we're not alone… I'm just not ready…” she began to explain hurriedly, unsure of how to defuse this awkward situation.

“Sorry. I understand. I won't rush you,” he replied.

Glenn returned to the room, not noticing the tension that had lingered between Megan and Craig. Her appearance helped to ease the atmosphere.

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