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“I've been to Edinburgh a few times. It's a very beautiful city. You’d want to return again and again.”

“That's true, it's so unique, amazing, I would say. My grandfather and I met there a few times when I was a teenager. Mom would see me off to the train in London, and Grandpa would pick me up at the railway station in Edinburgh. I feel like you can never get tired of that city.”

“I think everyone would agree with that,” said Craig.

“By the way, Megan, I saw Duncan today,” Warren joined the conversation. “He sends his regards and asked when you will finally come to visit them. He and Grandfather would be delighted to see you. I suggest we organize a family dinner at their place as soon as you return from your trip.”

Megan was pleased that her relationship with the family had developed in such a warm way. Over these months, she has grown fond of Alaric, who reminded her of her grandfather, and the lively Duncan, with whom it was always fun. Therefore, she responded very positively to her cousin's suggestion, “That's a great idea! Send them my warm regards.”

Warren smiled, “I also told my brother not to worry about your infrequent visits, and explained that as soon as you finish reading the entire Castle Mal library, you'll move to the Castle Raven library. Given the rate at which you devour books, I think that's about to happen. How many have you read during this time? Two hundred?”

“No, about twenty-five, I think,” Megan laughed.

“That's some speed! I don't read half that in a year,” Craig was amazed.

“Of course, Craig, you work all day. You're not going to read in the office in front of your colleagues. And I'm on vacation, so I have time,” she said with a smile.

“By the way, I also have a large library at home. Once you're done with these two, you can move to mine,” Craig offered cheerfully.

“Thank you. I think that might happen in a couple of decades. If I stay here until retirement and do nothing else, I could manage two libraries, reading twelve hours a day,” Megan reasoned with laughter.

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