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“If that's what you really want, then it's probably the best solution. When are you leaving for London?” Derek asked casually, taking another sip of wine to dull his anxiety as he awaited her answer.

“I think I'll extend my summer vacation here a bit longer. It's been a while since I had a holiday. It's the perfect opportunity to make up for lost time.”

Derek breathed a sigh of relief and said, “So, we'll have more time to spend together.”

“Yes, I’ll have a chance to learn more about you,” Megan smiled.

“I thought you knew enough about me,” Derek said with feigned surprise, before revealing a genuine smile.

“On the one hand, yes, but on the other, it seems I know almost nothing about you. You still remain a mystery to me.”

“Does that frighten you?”

“Not anymore, but curiosity prevails,” laughed Megan.

“Everything in its own time. I think you'll find the answers to your questions soon.”

“I hope so.”

After dinner, they went for a walk to the sea. This had become their favorite spot, where they would sit on a large boulder, embracing each other, and talking the night away. As always, she returned to the castle just before dawn, first alone, and now with her beloved.

Weeks passed, and Derek spent the night in Megan’s room more and more frequently, where they passionately made love. Sometimes, without warning, he would appear in her bedroom in the middle of the night. Megan couldn't understand these strange appearances and disappearances, but she gave herself to him with all her soul, body, and heart. Their love for each other grew stronger by the day, and the girl could no longer imagine her life without him. Before dawn, her lover always left, leaving her alone with heavy thoughts about how time passed but nothing changed. He remained just as mysterious and enigmatic as ever, yet at the same time, he was the dearest and most beloved person in the world to her.

* * *

Three months had passed since Megan arrived at Castle Mal. As a perfectionist, she always required clear direction on how to proceed with her life and what actions to take. The situation she found herself in threw her off rhythm. Derek, occupied with his confidential job, wasn't ready to accompany her to London, and no one could say when his commitments would end. Megan realized that she needed to return home, yet she couldn't leave her loved one behind. Every day, she convinced herself that tomorrow she would find a way out of this loop and make a decision about her future. However, each new «tomorrow» passed without resolution. Megan waited for Derek to suggest something, to take some responsibility for their relationship and future, but he remained silent. Then one day, her phone rang.

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