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“How long ago did this relationship end?”

“A long time ago.”

“Did it cause you pain and suffering?”

“Not the relationship itself, but the consequences.”

“Do you feel better now?”

“Definitely,” he replied, now smiling.

“Do you still love her?”

He watched Megan closely, noticing a flicker of fear in her eyes. She feared his answer to this question, afraid he might say “yes,” and he understood that.

“Too many years have passed…” he said slowly. “Let's leave the past behind and talk about us instead. I feel like I've known you all my life. Do you feel the same?” he asked calmly, with a slight smile and a squint in his eyes.

“I do,” she replied, satisfied with his answers.

Derek raised his glass, “Then let's drink to that.”

The tension at their table eased, allowing them to comfortably continue their dinner.

“Madam, now that you've extracted all my secrets, it's your turn to answer my questions. Tell me about your personal life. I'm eager to hear,” he said with a smile.

“There's not much to tell. I was in a relationship for several years, but it didn't feel like the sincere and true love portrayed in movies and novels. We parted ways and remained friends. And now there's you in my life, and I'm very happy about it.”

“I'm also very happy we met,” Derek said.

Taking a sip of drink, he added, “This wine is delightful! If it weren't for this decor, I'd believe I was in Italy! But we'll talk about that later. Have you decided on the fate of the factory and the castle?”

“Yes, I've made my decision known to the family. Warren will manage everything, after all he has experience in this business and he’s a McKenzie. Honestly, managing such a large and unfamiliar production was never of interest to me. I understand that my grandfather probably hadn’t foreseen this scenario. He wanted me to take full control and devote my life to the ancient family business. Unfortunately, I don't feel the same passion and enthusiasm for the distillery that I do for the London restaurant. It’s just not my cup of tea.”

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