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“Regardless, for several centuries, scientists have been trying to get to the truth of whether something large and unexplored lives in Loch Ness; locals and tourists try to photograph it… But so far, there's not a single convincing explanation for this phenomenon,” Warren concluded his story.

“Yes, Scots are indeed unique people,” Megan said.

The group members dispersed in different directions around the stone circle, examining the ancient megalithic slabs. Megan approached one of the megaliths and ran her hand over its rough, cold surface. At that moment, a strong wind blew from the sea, and strands of hair blew onto her face. Craig, who stood beside her, carefully moved the strands away from her face. This gesture seemed quite intimate to her. Unexpectedly, out of nowhere, a black raven flew between them, brushing the young man's face with its wing.

“Damn bird,” he snapped, stepping back slightly startled.

It was so sudden that they each got a fright. The raven made a few circles above their heads and flew away.

“I've noticed that these ravens are very bold around here. One constantly circles around Castle Mal. Once, it even landed on my hand when I was trying to pick flowers in the field. These birds scare me,” Megan said, looking disdainfully after the departing raven.

“Pay no attention to them, Megan. They're just birds. Maybe they're going through some kind of nesting frenzy right now, who knows,” Craig said, annoyed at being robbed of an intimate moment with the girl.

“You're right. It's just a bird. But it's very unpleasant when it suddenly appears everywhere I go,” Megan sighed, stepping away from the giant stone.

“Guys, come here!” called Glenn, spreading a picnic blanket on the grass outside the circle.

The diligent hostess had prepared everything for a picnic in advance. She placed a checkered basket in the center of the makeshift table, from which she took out cheese, sandwiches, apples, and a bottle of wine, which Warren immediately opened. Pouring the contents into glasses, he handed each person their share.

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