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“I have visited all the capitals of Europe. So, I understand your feelings about Italy, even though I'm not a big fan of it.”

“To be honest, I'm terribly afraid of flying; I always feel more comfortable on the ground than in the sky or on water. That's why I don't really like long-distance travel. Our flights to Thailand and Cuba were tough for me. Aren't you afraid of flying?” Megan asked.

“No, not at all. Actually, you could even say I rather enjoy the process of flying.”

“Lucky you!” Megan said with a hint of envy.

“Indeed,” he remarked with a slight note of sarcasm.

They entered a small but cozy establishment. The place was furnished with lacquered tables covered with white-and red-checkered tablecloths, and massive chairs upholstered in rich mahogany fabric. Warm, subdued light filled the room, emanating from candlesticks attached to the wooden walls. Pleasant music played from the back of the hall, creating a unique atmosphere of comfort and charm. The few guests at the restaurant were mainly locals. They looked over the newcomers from head to toe and, taking them for tourists, quickly lost interest.

A friendly waiter greeted the couple. He led them to a small table by the window, where they could enjoy each other's company without interruption.

“Could I recommend something to you?” the waiter asked?

Megan and Derek exchanged glances and understood each other without words. The girl happily left the management of the evening to her companion.

“Bring us a bottle of your best red wine,” replied Derek.

The waiter took the order and left the guests, returning a few minutes later with a bottle of exquisite Italian Barolo.

The lovers continued their conversation.

“I still don’t know the most important thing about you!” Derek suddenly exclaimed. With silence as a response, he continued, “I don't know your food preferences. Being a pro in the restaurant business, I assume it's not easy to please you.”

“Actually, no. I'm not picky about food. At my establishment, I usually eat whatever the chef prepares. When on vacation with my mom, we always tried local dishes. And having arrived at Castle Mal and getting acquainted with the local customs, I've become a real fan of your cuisine. The way they prepare game and fish here is wonderful; I really liked it. And what about you? What do you like?”

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