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“Well, if that’s how you feel, I have no objections. I’m very fond of Edinburgh and I wouldn’t mind spending a few days there. I think Ted will like this idea. We could stop in London for a day first. I'll check in with Sam and see how things are going there. And the next day, we'll take a train to Scotland,” Arline clearly liked the plan.

“Great! I’d really appreciate it if you popped into the restaurant to check how things are going.”

“Megan, are you sure everything's okay? Or is there something I don't know about? This whole story with your extended holiday seems very strange to me. Have you met a man there? Are you in love? Be honest with me,” Arline asked anxiously, terrified at the thought of her only daughter staying forever away from civilization because of some Highlander.

“Don’t worry, Mum. I just like it here. I need a little rest and relaxation after all the hustle and bustle of London,” Megan convincingly answered.

“But I know you! You wouldn’t be able to sit still for even a day without something to do. And here we’re talking about months,” Arline disapproved.

“I guess I’m just very tired. Working non-stop caught up with me in the end. You know, I hadn’t taken a real break in ages. Well, the time has finally come to make up for all those missed holidays.”

“Okay, whatever you say. I'll look for apartments in Edinburgh today and give you the address. We'll talk in a couple of days. Love you, sweetie, and can't wait to see you.”

“Love you too. Hugs. Say hi to Ted.”

“Will do!”

The trip to Edinburgh appealed more to Megan than returning to London. Going to London meant leaving Scotland for a while and resuming her usual routine, but the time for that hadn’t come yet. She would have to tell Derek, as well as Glenn and Warren, that she would be leaving for a short while. She saw her friend from the hall window and headed outside.

“Megan! Look at how beautifully the roses have grown, they are even more beautiful this year than the last,” her friend admired, gazing at her own garden.

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