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Having fully enjoyed and admired the local scenery, the travelers returned to the boat, and soon landed back at the pier from where their sea journey had begun. After saying goodbye, they headed home. Megan was thrilled about her day and eagerly awaited her meeting with Derek. At dinner with Glenn and Warren, she only drank tea, claiming she wasn't hungry. She didn't want to mention the dinner invitation. Thanking her friends for a wonderful day, she wished them a good night and went to her room.

11. Uncertainty

Ensuring the corridor was empty, at precisely 10pm., she left the castle. He was standing in the same spot as always, waiting for her. Black trousers and a black shirt made him almost invisible in the dark. Megan was unaccustomed to seeing Derek dressed like this; he always wore a kilt before.

“You look great in that style. I like it,” she said admiringly.

“Thanks for the compliment, you look great too.”

Derek embraced her and they began climbing the hill to the restaurant.

“How was your day? What did you do?”

“We went to the Orkney Islands. Such a beautiful place. Scotland is full of surprises. In just a few days, I've come to love this country. I don't understand why I hadn’t visited earlier. You’ve been to the islands, right?”

“Yes, several times. I like it there too. I think those places have a special allure, even magic: tranquil silence, enchanting nature, and powerful energy from the ancient stone giants,” his eyes lit up with the warm glow of memories.

“And what about you? Have you traveled a lot?” asked Derek.

“Yes, quite a bit. My mom loved warm countries, so we often traveled in winter, sometimes in summer, to lie on the beach and bask in the sunshine. So, you could call me a holiday expert,” she said with feigned seriousness. “We spent a lot of time in Cuba, flew to Thailand, but Italy has touched my soul the most. Oh, the emotions, passion…rhythm! And all that coexists with tranquility.”

Megan's face lit by a tender smile, as she became lost in thought. “And how do you feel about traveling?”

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