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– both stages (initiation and promotion) of the “birth” of a malignant stem cell take place in the same location – in the red bone marrow;

– the basis of a malignant stem cell “birth” is the block of differentiation and transformation of a pluripotent or unipotent stem cell of myelo- or lymphopoiesis;

– the mechanism of a malignant stem cell “birth” lies in the genotype and epigenetic changes of a pluripotent or unipotent stem cell of myelo- or lymphopoiesis following the carcinogenic impact;

– the malignant process starts from the “birth” of one malignant stem cell, which then forms a clone of malignant cells;

– the disease is manifested through growth of the malignant process in the red marrow, but at that time a primary malignant focus is absent;

– the malignant process develops by the proliferation of malignant cells within the red marrow, and by haematogenous and lymphogenous spread in the host body;

– the malignant process impacts haemopoiesis, homeostasis, immunity etc.

Lymphoma is a group of malignant haematological diseases of lymphatic tissue characterised by malignant transformation of lymphoid cells;

– the precursors of malignant stem cells are pluripotent or unipotent stem cells of lymphopoiesis located in the red marrow;

– the first stage (initiation) of the “birth” of a malignant stem cell takes place in the red marrow, the second stage (promotion) in the location of the primary malignant focus;

– the basis of a malignant stem cell “birth” is a block of differentiation and transformation of a pluripotent or unipotent stem cell of lymphopoiesis;

– the mechanism of a malignant stem cell “birth” is the genotype and epigenetic changes of a pluripotent or unipotent stem cell of lymphopoiesis following the carcinogenic impact;

– the malignant process starts from the “birth” of one malignant stem cell, which then forms a clone of malignant cells;

– the malignant process is manifested through forming the primary malignant focus located in the lymph nodes (nodal involvement) or in any other organs and tissues (extra nodal involvement);

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