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– the malignant process is developed by lymphogenous spread in the host body, sometimes cells of lymphoma are detected in the blood, but usually they tend to form thick tumours in the lymphatic system or in the internal organs (liver, stomach, nervous system or in other places);

– the malignant process impacts haemopoiesis, homeostasis, immunity etc.

Solid Tumours are the largest in quantity, heterogeneous group of malignant diseases, which develop through multi-stage malignant transformation of a normal proliferating somatic cell into a malignant stem cell:

– the origins of malignant cells are not known, as the precursor of the malignant stem cells is not known. It is supposed that the precursors are normal somatic proliferating cells – cambial cells, which are located in the area of the crypts’ floor, glands’ neck, periosteum and perichondrium, along the blood vessels’ flow and also in the area of intense restorative proliferation;

– it is not known where and how both stages (initiation and promotion) of the “birth” of a malignant stem cell take place. It is supposed, in the area of intensive proliferation of cells;

– also it is not known what process underlies the “birth” of a malignant stem cell. It is supposed that a normal somatic proliferating cell transforms into the malignant stem cell;

– the mechanism of the “birth” of a malignant stem cell is not known. It is supposed that following the carcinogenic impact the genotype and epigenetic changes of a normal proliferating somatic cell take place, and these are a launching mechanism for its transformation into the malignant stem cell;

– a malignant focus starts with the “birth” of one malignant stem cell (in 80% cases), two or more malignant stem cells (20%), which then form a clone of malignant cells;

– the malignant process is manifested through forming the primary malignant focus, which can be located in different organs and tissues, and it increases by proliferation of cells, appositional and invasive growth;

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