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«The interpretation of dreams is an art, not a science.»


Freud’s theory of dreams has been criticized for its lack of scientific evidence, reliance on subjective interpretation, and limited applicability to all types of dreams. Some critics argue that dream interpretation is too vague and unreliable to be a valid method of psychological analysis.


The Interpretation of Dreams has had a profound impact on the field of psychology and beyond. It laid the foundation for psychoanalysis and dream interpretation and inspired numerous theories and techniques in the field of mental health. It has also influenced literature, art, and popular culture. Freud’s ideas about dreams continue to be debated and discussed today, and his work remains a seminal contribution to our understanding of the human mind.

Interesting Facts About the Book:

Freud initially struggled to publish the book

It was Freud’s most important work:

It was initially met with skepticism:

It has been translated into more than 30 languages:

It is still studied and debated today:


royal road – королевский путь

repressed and hidden thoughts – подавленные и скрытые мысли

layers – слои

manifest content – явное содержание

latent content – скрытое содержание

anxiety-provoking thoughts – вызывающие беспокойство мысли

wish-fulfilling function – функция исполнения желаний

forbidden desires – запретные желания

desire for freedom – стремление к свободе

liberation – освобождение

a rebus that must be deciphered – ребус, который нужно расшифровать

distorted and disguised expressions – искажённые и замаскированные выражения

lack of scientific evidence – отсутствие научных доказательств

limited applicability – ограниченная применимость

vague – расплывчатый

valid method of psychological analysis – достоверный метод психологического анализа

unconventional ideas – нетрадиционные идеи

groundbreaking work – новаторская работа

Exercise 1.

Fill in the gaps with some words or phrases from the wordlist

1. Dreams are the __________ to the unconscious mind.

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