Читать книгу 30 Must-Read Books for Psychologists онлайн

take responsibility – брать на себя ответственность

establish clear goals – ставить четкие цели

align – согласовывать

importance and urgency – важность и срочность

the most impactful activities – наиболее важные действия

seek – искать

mutually beneficial solutions – взаимовыгодные решения

groundbreaking solutions – новаторские решения

sharpen the saw – оттачивать пилу

enhance your abilities – повышать свои способности

sow, reap – посей, пожнёшь

oversimplification – чрезмерное упрощение

formulaic solution – шаблонное решение

overly optimistic – чрезмерно оптимистичный

difficult to implement – трудно реализуемый

repetitiveness – повторяемость

redundancy – избыточность

lack of depth – недостаток глубины

despite the criticism – несмотря на критику

training and leadership development tool – инструмент для обучения и развития лидерских качеств

Exercise 4

Are these statements TRUE or FALSE?

1. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is a self-help book.

2. The book outlines eight habits for personal and professional effectiveness.

3. The first habit is «Be Proactive.»

4. The book recommends prioritizing tasks based on urgency alone.

5. The fourth habit is «Think Win-Win.»

6. The book suggests that it is more important to be understood than to understand others.

7. The seventh habit is «Sharpen the Saw.»

8. The book has sold less than 10 million copies worldwide.

9. The book has been translated into over 40 languages.

10. The book has had no significant impact on the business world.


The Ego and the Id by Sigmund Freud (1923)

Key Ideas:

1. The Three-Part Model of the Psyche:

Freud proposed that the human psyche is divided into three distinct structures:




The Ego as Mediator:

Freud’s most significant contribution in this book is his detailed exploration of the Ego’s role as a mediator between the Id and Superego. The Ego constantly juggles the demands of the Id’s pleasure-seeking impulses with the Superego’s moral code. It must find ways to satisfy the Id’s desires while also adhering to the Superego’s moral standards. This balancing act can lead to anxiety and conflict, as the Ego struggles to maintain equilibrium.

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