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Framing Effects:

Confirmation Bias:

Availability Heuristic

Prospect Theory

People evaluate gains and losses differently, with losses having a disproportionately greater impact on their decision-making.

This asymmetry leads to risk aversion for gains and risk seeking for losses.

Anchoring Effect

People tend to rely too heavily on the first piece of information they receive when making judgments.

This can lead to biased estimates and decisions.

Nudge Theory

Small, subtle interventions can influence people’s decisions without restricting their freedom of choice.

Nudges can be used to promote desirable behaviors, such as saving for retirement or eating healthier foods.


System 1

System 2

Cognitive Bias

Prospect Theory

Anchoring Effect


Best Quotes

«In the end, it is not the magnitude of our knowledge but the depth of our wisdom that will shape our decisions.»

«System 1 is like an impulsive child who acts without thinking, while System 2 is like a cautious adult who weighs the pros and cons.»

«Humans are an anomaly in the animal kingdom. We have the capacity to think about our thinking.»

«Our ability to construct reality is stronger than our ability to discover reality.»


Some critics argue that Kahneman oversimplifies the complexity of human decision-making.

Others question the generalizability of his findings across different cultures and contexts.

The book has been criticized for focusing too much on individual biases and not enough on the role of social and environmental factors in decision-making.


Nobel Prize:

Popularization of Behavioral Economics:

Applications in Policymaking:

Interesting Facts

The book was translated into over 40 languages.

It has sold over 5 million copies worldwide.

Kahneman conducted many of his famous experiments while working as a psychologist at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.


without conscious effort – без сознательных усилий

heuristics – эвристика

mental shortcuts – ментальные ярлыки

biases – предубеждения

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