Читать книгу 30 Must-Read Books for Psychologists онлайн

«Habit is the flywheel of society, its most precious conservative agent.»

«Belief creates the fact.»


Some critics argue that James’ focus on observable behavior neglected the importance of internal mental processes.

His theory of emotion has been criticized for oversimplifying the complex relationship between physiology and psychology.


«The Principles of Psychology» revolutionized the field of psychology, establishing it as an empirical science.

It introduced key concepts such as the stream of consciousness, habit, and the self.

Its pragmatic approach influenced the development of behaviorism and functionalism.

Interesting Facts:

James initially intended to write a short summary of psychology, but his work grew into a two-volume tome.

The book was praised for its clear and engaging writing style, which made complex psychological concepts accessible to a general audience.

James drew inspiration from both scientific research and his own personal experiences.


continuous stream of thought – непрерывный поток мыслей

discrete mental states – дискретные психические состояния

continuous flow of experience – непрерывный поток опыта

habits – привычки

two stimuli are repeatedly paired together – два стимула неоднократно сопряжены вместе

complex tasks – сложные задачи

fixed, unchanging entity – фиксированная, неизменная сущность

are caused by cognitive judgments – вызваны когнитивными суждениями

innate behavior patterns – врожденные модели поведения

thrive – процветать

the essence of all consciousness – сущность всего сознания

flywheel of society – маховик общества

precious – драгоценный

observable behavior – наблюдаемое поведение

neglect – пренебрегать

oversimplifying – чрезмерное упрощение

engaging writing style – увлекательный стиль письма

accessible to a general audience – доступный для широкой аудитории

Exercise 3

Fill in the gaps with some words or phrases from the wordlist.

1. Consciousness is a ______________ of experience.

2. Habits are formed when ______________.

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