Читать книгу Позитивные изменения. Том 4, №1 (2024). Positive changes. Volume 4, Issue 1 (2024) онлайн
The recognition that all major businesses should embrace CSR has evolved into a strategic pursuit of sustainable development goals, subsequently forming an ESG agenda, which dictates that businesses meet developmental criteria across three domains: environmental, social, and governance. ESG serves as a financial mechanism to incentivize and quantify the SDGs. These mechanisms include preferential terms for lending, bonds and other forms of borrowing within the global financial system and national finance frameworks. In Russia, this particularly refers to the “green” and “social” taxonomies. Furthermore, the Bank of Russia has formulated recommendations for developing a methodology and assigning ESG ratings.[17]
The National ESG Alliance was also established, with a mission to “fortify the national sustainable development agenda in Russia by uniting the efforts of large-scale business and the government.”[18] In 2022, the Alliance launched the ESG Ecosystem Atlas, which features over 30 sections detailing the roles of regulators, standards and taxonomy developers, data aggregators, and professional users of non-financial data, as well as creators of services and authors involved in diverse projects in this domain. Simultaneously, it is envisaged to considerably scale up the national ESG agenda within Russia, incorporating not just prominent ESG transformation leaders but also small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as the society at large, by 2030, which is beyond the immediate horizon.
Discussing ESG indicators, it is crucial to understand the stance of the state. In 2021, the Russian President expressed his viewpoint as follows: “ESG is a comprehensive gauge of how a state envisions its progression for the near future and beyond into the medium and long term. Undoubtedly, such development must place the individual at its core, which is what it does. The Russian government fully recognizes this, not merely to keep to the trend but because our entire policy is founded around the individual. At least that’s what we are certainly striving to do.”[19]