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The set of indicators was compiled from an analysis of various reporting standards of companies, with the United Nation’s UNCTAD standards on economic, social, governance, and environmental aspects being the baseline at the initial stage.[25]

“In the guidelines, we pinpointed the metrics that warrant attention and endeavored to precisely define how to calculate them and their sources,” Filippova says. “For organizations to compare against one another, it’s critical that they consistently disclose and compute these metrics year over year using a uniform approach.”

The social indicators spectrum now includes factors related to both internal stakeholders, like employees and their families, and external social effects, such as the organization’s involvement in philanthropy. When discussing corporate social responsibility, the economic indicators also encompass those related to sustainable investing.

Furthermore, Filippova noted that following the publication of the methodological recommendations, legislation supporting additional volunteer activities was enacted, coming into effect on January 1, 2024. Additionally, there have been revisions to the taxonomy of green projects, notably those elements associated with volunteer activities.

“As we progress with the methodological recommendations, the subsequent phase provides for creating a more comprehensive and detailed Standard,” said the expert. “While these recommendations themselves don’t exert regulatory impact, they signify the priorities of the government regulator and business community.”

The development of the Standard is being orchestrated by VEB.RF, by mandate of the Ministry of Economic Development. At the “Strong Ideas for New Times” forum in June 2023, VEB.RF presented to the President its alternative to ESG – ‘5C’: consistent strategic development, consideration of employee and family welfare, social programs, environmental care, and dedication to the homeland.[26]

According to Denis Bokov, Managing Director of the VEB.RF Government Agent Block, in the context of evaluating the achievement of sustainable development goals, it is imperative that the indicators be qualitative. This approach is essential for accurately measuring the effectiveness of efforts in these domains. “We incorporate these principles in our operations,” the expert disclosed when questioned, “although other companies continue to adhere to the international ESG standard.” It is challenging for a single entity, VEB.RF, to rapidly overhaul established practices and redirect them onto domestic tracks. However, I must point out that within the corporation this is happening, and in terms of social impact projects, we’ve been successful.” The objective is not to alter the paradigm, but rather to refine the language within the existing paradigm, to broaden it slightly and make it more precise, Bokov contends.

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