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There is also an alternative approach to this issue from the Agency for Strategic Initiatives: the “Business Social Capital Standard,” designed to coordinate elements of established corporate practices in the field of responsible business conduct and sustainable development, based on a platform solution, to eliminate contradictions, and to provide a universally recognized mechanism for assessing and accounting for the contribution of organizations’ activities to improving the quality of life in Russia.

Alexander Sinitsyn, the head of the ASI Sustainable Development Project Office, noted a significantly greater flexibility of this standard as a key difference from the documents prepared by state regulators. “The documents issued by governmental agencies have very strict requirements, and they should not allow for any interpretations, so only iron-clad confirmed indicators are included in such standards,” explains Sinitsyn. “However, the market is, of course, raising questions about the flexibility of assessment models. And that’s where we come in, as the operator of our standard is an NGO that serves the role of a public institution. Consequently, we can afford to be more flexible, meaning we can foster the development of methodologies and take into account factors that aren’t yet so clearly defined and standardized as to be included in the documents of state regulators.”

A unique feature of the “Business Social Capital Standard” is that it does not merely disclose what goals the company has achieved, but also evaluates the extent to which the results align with the broadest possible range of sustainability indicators. This includes both quantitative economic indicators, based on methodological recommendations from the Ministry of Economic Development, the Central Bank’s directives, and common practices, as well as qualitative management indicators. Plus, what sets it apart from global ESG practices is its emphasis on contribution to national goals and the reinforcement of the country.

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