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Also, a crucial aspect is the engagement (or inclusion) of vulnerable and marginalized groups. Currently, inclusion is conventionally seen as a means to achieve diversity within teams. Those who are compelled to keep pace with the times, study demographic forecasts and the like, are actively trying to cover the deficit in organizational capability to involve “not like everyone else” in the value creation chain and the consumption of goods. Therefore, the standard should include more coherent and near-future oriented requirements for the involvement of vulnerable groups (people with disabilities and special needs, young professionals, individuals with migration experience, women with young children, the elderly, etc.). “The conversation should not just be about the simple demonstration of hiring metrics (though it would be good if companies start to disclose this data), but about organizational and other innovations,” Novikov emphasizes.

Understanding the need for significant revisions to the standard, the expert speaks of being ready to engage in its adjustment and supplementation, because the practice of conveying information about a company’s activities cannot be developed once and for all; it is an iterative process. Given the dynamics with which the world changes, it is necessary to quite frequently revisit ideas and the specific ways of their implementation in reports. “We need to understand that conveying information about the company’s activities in sustainable development and other areas requires not just temporary working groups but a community of constantly active experts,” concludes Novikov.


Undoubtedly, all existing methodologies are commendable in their own right, and the mere existence of such initiatives is a big advantage. However, when talking about sustainability, it is essential to address indicators directly related to this concept in terms of social impact. When reports contain only quantitative metrics, they fail to correlate with promises of analyzing or forecasting systemic qualitative changes. What is missing is a transition formula or an explanation of correlations. Hence, there is a clear understanding of the need to expand the list of indicators, including assessments of social impact, as well as topics of corporate volunteering, inclusive practices, and media influence as evaluation indicators.

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