Читать книгу Позитивные изменения. Том 4, №1 (2024). Positive changes. Volume 4, Issue 1 (2024) онлайн

“The traditional rationale for social investment, demanding an essential evaluation of the achieved results rather than just a description of actions taken or expenses incurred, is strikingly missing from the current version of the standard. This component, in my view, is crucial,” states the expert. – “Until we pose questions not only about the volume of funds spent but also the tangible outcomes of such expenditures, we cannot truly speak of results in the terms of social impact, as is claimed in the intent of the standard.”

The realm of social project design is evolving, just like any branch of science or practice, and the methodologies of project development and reporting are increasingly complex. This is evident in the practices of the Presidential Grants Fund, where updates and the incorporation of new elements and focuses in application formats are routinely implemented. For instance, in the current iteration of the application, it is crucial not only to describe the project concept but also to validate its pertinence with references to pertinent sources. The document places emphasis on the evidential substantiation of the proposed approach to addressing the issue. Several grant-giving organizations are shifting toward applications based on the so-called theory of change, which mandates the clear definition not only of the problems and their origins but also a detailed description of each activity to be undertaken in relation to the three-tiered framework of immediate results, social effects, and societal impact. The theory of change also figures into the planning strategies of state bodies when conceptualizing strategic projects.[29]

“To speak of outcomes, and all the more of the impact of their projects and programs, in terms reflective of activity characteristics – ‘conducted so many events, spent so much’ – has long been outmoded in the ‘third sector’ and is becoming ever more challenging in the governmental sphere,” says Natalia Gladkikh. – “If we establish a benchmark for businesses wherein the end result is deemed significant not for its transformational nature but merely as a static form, this would represent a regression in the theory and practice of social project planning and social investment, methodologies and approaches to impact assessment developed thus far.”

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