Читать книгу Позитивные изменения. Том 4, №1 (2024). Positive changes. Volume 4, Issue 1 (2024) онлайн

Following the strategic session “Sustainable Development Reporting Standard as a tool for the development of volunteering and social involvement,” a resolution draft was created based on the discussion outcomes, which we believe should be presented below unchanged.

“To add to the original list of suggestions:

• Finalization of the social effect assessment section;

• In reporting, show not quantitative characteristics of indicators and metrics, but social effects based on them;

• Increase focus on quality indicators;

• The list of indicators should be based not only on international standards and national SDG targets, but also on national projects;

• Include community and partnership development and non-profit sector development in the assessment;

• Include communication projects in the evaluation; inclusion of indicators based on information agenda and quality of campaigns (regional campaigns, federal IRI campaigns, partnerships with ANO “National Priorities”);

• Show the need for linkage indicators between environmental and social (based on them) projects;

• Increase focus on indicators of employee and resident involvement in the management of the enterprise and regional development;

• Include indicators reflecting the accumulation and consolidation of social impact (including partnerships, communities, information agenda);

• Include reintegration rates for employees leaving the position due to retirement, illness, disability;

• Include indicators for implementing an inclusive approach in all areas of the company’s internal and external activities;

• Retain “sustainable investments, including green investments” in the list of economic indicators;

• Disclose information on sustainable investments in terms of national taxonomies.”

Natalia Gladkikh, a leading expert of the Institute of Socio-Economic Design at the National Research University Higher School of Economics and Editor-in-Chief of the Positive Changes Journal, considers the discussion that has arisen regarding the domestic reporting standard under development to be very valuable, as it gives an opportunity for representatives of different parties to express their opinions. The word ‘Standard’ in the document title indicates the presence of a set of important principles in its content, which are essential for everyone to follow and rely on. Therefore, the expert would like the final document to be one that not only helps companies and their stakeholders understand their performance results but also sets certain standards and recommendations on how to do this most effectively and successfully.

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