Читать книгу Позитивные изменения. Том 4, №1 (2024). Positive changes. Volume 4, Issue 1 (2024) онлайн

The authors believe it is logical to enhance the Reporting Standard with principles that form the basis of the “ECG Rating of Responsible Business.” This enhancement would enable the final document to be highly aggregated and visualized, reflecting the perspectives of all stakeholders involved.


Upon reviewing all initiatives and the documents at our disposal, it became evident that all these approaches share a common weakness. Namely, the assessment approach itself is quite limited and is based on the provision of data on financial and non-financial indicators without taking into account the actual social impact and its influence on sustainable development.

For example, in the draft standard from the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and VEB.RF, there are specified requirements for the allocation of funds to projects recognized as social, environmental, and the like. However, the evaluation of these investments is not mandated and falls on the initiator, which almost inevitably leads to formal assessments conducted merely for the sake of reporting.

Metrics are measured in terms of money spent, percentages, the number of people reached, or even the frequency of board of directors and audit committee meetings and their attendance.

Plus, the developers of the document emphasize the voluntary nature of its implementation, making this reporting initially non-mandatory. It is expected that in Russia, major corporations that set the tone in finance will, in this case on a national scale, adhere to the official standard. If the standard lacks a mandatory requirement for assessing the social impact, it would be very easy to align the implementation of social projects with PR or similar corporate needs, without genuine concern for achieving real social impact.

The closest to the truth, in our opinion, have been significant stakeholders with direct beneficiary interests such as IRI, AVC, ANO “Equal Opportunities Space,” and others. Previously, they were not involved in drafting the standard, but at our request, they offered significant amendments and additions to the current project.

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